EVAL-HEALTH (“Developing and Testing of New Methodologies to Monitor and Evaluate Health Related EU-Funded Interventions in Cooperation Partner Countries“) was an international collaborative research project funded by the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7) which finished in October, 2014. The main goal of the project was to contribute to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of European Union funded interventions in developing countries in the specific area of international public health. The project had two research components focusing on different aspects of the M&E process:
- To identify and analyze the role of different types of evidence in health policy in low and middle-income countries, including research results.
- Development and testing of a new methodology to monitor and assess the impact of research projects that are funded by FP7 in the area of International Public Health.
EVAL-HEALTH has run for 46 months, carried out by a consortium of 9 organizations from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America: Innovatec, coordinator (Spain), African Union-NEPAD, Univ. Leeds (UK), Royal Tropical Institute (The Netherlands), Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (Portugal), Mahidol University (Thailand), Association for Stimulating Know How (India), College of Medicine of the University of Nigeria (Nigeria) and the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia). For more information, please go to the CORDIS link.
The project has produced, as major results, the following:
- A new methodology to monitor and assess the impacts of research project, named Impact Oriented Monitoring (IOM), to help EC officers in the identification, recording and assessment of projects. Results and impacts are classified into four dimensions or categories: Knowledge production, capacity building and research targeting, policy and decision making and health and health sector benefits. The methodology has been tested and validated with finished public health projects funded by the FP5 and FP6 and proposes the use of different complementary implementing tools: a project results framework, a coordinator’s survey and an end users’ survey and an assessment tool. By using this methodology. The complete description of the methodology was presented as a major project deliverable (Deliverable 8). A scientific paper describing the IOM methodology has also been published in the journal of Research Evaluation (link).
- A better understanding the role of evidence in health policy and strategy development. The research has focused on identifying and analysing the role of evidence in health policy and strategy development in one Asian (India) and one African (Nigeria) country. As results of the research carried out, we have prepared two country reports, one for India and one for Nigeria (Deliverables 5.6 and 5.5 respectively) and the cross-country analysis (Deliverable 5.7). Research carried out has provided evidence to give new insight on: i) the different types and the key characteristics of evidence that informs health policy development in India and Nigeria, ii) the use of different types of evidence in health policy development, including the facilitators and constraining factors, in India and Nigeria and iii) an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of existing mechanisms and practices of evidence use in health policy development. Finally the project presents and recommends ways of enhancing the role of evidence in health policy development within the study countries and beyond.
Selected scientific articles published:
- Mirzoev, T., Das, M., Ebenso, B., Rawat, B., Uguru, N., Russo, G., Bang-on, T. & Huss, R. (2014). Contextual influences on the role of evidence in health policy development: insights from India and Nigeria. BMC health services research, 14(S2), O5. [link]
- Guinea, J., Sela, E., Gómez-Núñez, A. J., Mangwende, T., Ambali, A., Ngum, N., Jaramillo, H., Gallego, J. M., A. Patiño, A., Latorre, C., & Srivanichakorn, S. (2015). Impact oriented monitoring: A new methodology for monitoring and evaluation of international public health research projects. Research Evaluation, 24(2), 131-145. [link]
- Etiaba, E., Uguru, N., Ebenso, B., Russo, G., Ezumah, N., Uzochukwu, B., & Onwujekwe, O. (2015). Development of oral health policy in Nigeria: an analysis of the role of context, actors and policy process. BMC Oral Health, 15(1), 56. [link]
- Mbachu, C. O., Onwujekwe, O., Chikezie, I., Ezumah, N., Das, M., & Uzochukwu, B. S. (2016). Analysing key influences over actors’ use of evidence in developing policies and strategies in Nigeria: a retrospective study of the Integrated Maternal Newborn and Child Health strategy. Health research policy and systems, 14(1), 27. [link]