Horizon Europe framework programme seeks providing solutions to European citizens’ concerns by addressing current social challenges related to economics, climate, energy and environment, health, digitization and technology, etc through research and innovation actions. To better achieve its goal, Horizon Europe is becoming an impact-driven framework programme with an innovative monitoring methodology based on the project’s pathways to impacts, which have to be clearly defined in the project proposals.
To ensure the new requirements by Horizon Europe, Innovatec will support consortiums willing to submit project proposals in order to define a set of coherent and relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPI) related to project inputs and outputs, which will also be in consonance with Key Impact Pathways (KIP) needed to paving the pathways to impact. Hence, some primary factors to be considered in the evaluation of the project proposals are the credibility of the pathways to reach the expected outcomes and impacts specified in the work programme and the concrete contributions made by a project, as well as the suitability and quality of the measures to exploit expected outcomes and impacts, by means of the dissemination and communication activities planned along the project life.
Therefore, Innovatec will provide its wide experience both preparation of proposals and participation and implementation of dissemination and communication activities just to success in Part B of the project proposals by, on the one hand, explaining how project results are linked to the outcomes and the impacts included in the work programme by taking into account the three types of impact according to project objectives, that is, scientific, societal and economic. On the other hand, by defining dissemination, exploitation and communication actions, measures and activities to optimize and make the most of project impact.